Who We Are

The church of Christ is a family of Christians who are striving to follow Jesus with our heads, hearts, and habits. We are not a part of any denomination. We are simply Christians, genuinely trying to be what God wants us to be according to His Word.

We are not interested in “playing church,” but are attempting honestly to study God’s Word and imitate His ways. We are far from being perfect or always right but are striving to take God at his Word and simply obey Him.

An Open Invitation

Become A Member!

In becoming a member, you will be called upon to do nothing which you cannot read in the New Testament. You will then live and worship just as the apostle-guided Christians of the first century did.

Not only is this return to New Testament Christianity a wonderful basis upon which all believers in Christ can unite, it is absolutely solid ground. If we do just what our Lord commanded, we know that our salvation is certain. Come with us as we go back to the Bible, back to Christ and his church!


Our worship is patterned after the church we read about in the New Testament. Each first day of the week we gather to:

  • Lift prayers of thanksgiving, petition, and praise to our great God.
  • We sing songs of praise and worship with our voices to God.
  • We partake of the Lord’s Supper each first day of the week, remembering the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross.
  • We contribute of our earthly wealth to God as a sacrifice of praise.
  • We listen to God’s Word taught and preached so our faith can grow.