As we embark on this new series about the Church of Christ, let’s delve into the very essence of what this church stands for, its foundational beliefs, and the unique […]
As we delve deeper into our exploration of the Church of Christ, focusing on a crucial aspect: the recognition of Bible authority. It’s a fundamental principle that guides our understanding […]
In our exploration of the Church of Christ, we’ve come to understand that the concept of denominations as we know them today did not exist during the first century. In […]
In our exploration of the organization of the Church of Christ, we delve into a fundamental aspect: how the church functions according to New Testament teachings, as opposed to hierarchical […]
In lesson number five, we delve into the essential topic of the Church of Christ’s role and responsibilities. This exploration is crucial for our understanding and answering questions and clarifying […]
We delve into a profound and thought-provoking discussion about the nature of the Bible and the accessibility of its teachings, particularly regarding salvation. This exploration challenges the notion that the […]
Today, we gather to delve into the essence of our worship assembly at the Church of Christ, a journey to understand how we honor God through our actions and intentions […]
Let us embark on a spiritual journey to comprehend why the Bible is divided into the Old and New Testaments and the significance of these divisions in our walk with […]
Let us ponder the profound mystery and divine nature of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, often referred to simply as the Spirit, the Spirit of God, or the Holy […]
Let us understand the profound importance of discipline within the church, a concept deeply rooted in love and aimed at the spiritual growth and well-being of each member. As disciples […]
Let us delve into the heart-wrenching yet necessary topic of division within the church, a phenomenon not new to us nor unfamiliar to our forefathers in faith. The revered preacher […]
As we near the completion of our series of lessons, let us reflect on the crucial theme that has threaded its way through our discussions: the pursuit of unity in […]
Let us gather our hearts and minds around the fundamental truth that the New Testament is the sole source for our understanding and practice in the Church of Christ. This […]