It seems that atheists are in need of publicity. The British Humanist Association along with the support of scientist and author, Richard Dawkins, raised some $200,000 in a campaign to promote an […]
Today, I would like to talk about the need to give God 100% and why we should not be afraid of doing so. To illustrate this point I have chosen […]
One of the fun things that happens at Christmas or birthdays is the giving and receiving of gifts. When thinking about this I realize that of all the gifts I […]
In 2007 a book “All the Rules” was published. The authors claimed it could help a woman find a man to marry her. Several years ago the book “All the […]
Hi, Mike Mazzalongo here for Today, I’d like to talk about the making and keeping of friends. We know that friendship is an important part of life. A good […]
  Punctuality is a common problem in churches. In this lesson, Mike looks at the question, why is being on time for worship services a problem? Good morning, I’m Mike […]
In order to have a good name there are two things necessary regardless of what you wear or who you know. Several years ago my daughter and I were discussing […]
12 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go up to this mountain of Abarim, and see the land which I have given to the sons of Israel. 13When you have […]
Think on one virtue that, more than any other, leads to happiness and why is that? As for me, I believe that gratitude leads to happiness, and ingratitude leads to […]
Author Robert Morely said that the main rule for catching bass is letting the fish run with the bait. You want to make sure that the fish feels no resistance […]